Bandicam как убрать надпись сверху
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Bandicam как убрать надпись сверху

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How to remove the Bandicam watermark

If the Bandicam product is not registered, the watermark ( will be added to the recorded videos, and the recording time will be limited to 10 minutes. Check out the difference between free and paid versions.

Bandicam watermark

  • If you purchase Bandicam and then use the registered version, the watermark ( will not be added to the recorded video.
  • The Bandicam watermark is not visible during video recording, but it will be displayed on the video that has been recorded.
  • The watermark produced with the free version of Bandicam does not disappear even if you purchase Bandicam.

Some people misunderstand that videos with the Bandicam watermark are produced by the Bandicam Company and ask that those videos be removed. However, Bandicam Company is a multimedia company that develops video recording programs and has no affiliation with those videos.

If you have purchased but still see the watermark, please check the following.

1. Filename Appearing

When you play a video file in a playback program, the file name of the video is displayed by default, but due to this function, it is often mistaken that the watermark does not disappear.

Movies & TV app

— Movies & TV app on Windows 10

Windows Media player

— Windows Media player

 VLC media player

— VLC media player

2. «Add logo overlay to video» option

The «Add logo overlay to video» option allows users to add a logo to the video that is being recorded. If you uncheck this option, the BANDICAM logo will not be displayed on the recorded video.

3. If the program is not installed properly

After registering Bandicam, if the watermark is not visible in the ‘Screen Recording Mode’ but the watermark is visible in the ‘Game Recording Mode,’ the problem is caused by the program installing improperly.

=> In this case, please restart the computer and reinstall the Bandicam program, and then try again.

If you still see the Bandicam watermark, record the About tab of Bandicam and send the video file to

Bandicam About tab

One of the best screencast software that allows you to record your computer screen, system sound, and microphone.

  • Capture 4K Ultra HD videos up to 3840×2160
  • Record over 24 hours without stopping
  • Upload a captured video to YouTube

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