Как увеличить gif без потери качества
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Как увеличить gif без потери качества

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Resize images online (GIF, APNG, WebP, AVIF)

Ezgif’s online image resizer will resize, crop, or flip animated GIFs and other images, with the same quality and speed as professional software, without the need to buy and install anything.
Useful when you need to reduce GIF size or fit the image in specific dimensions.

GIF animation resizing is sometimes tricky, and you will probably have to choose between a smaller file size or image quality.
Some gifs may need the «coalesce» option (which removes all optimizations from frames) if other methods fail and the output image is flickering or has strange artifacts, but it may significantly increase file size and is very slow.

Try different resize methods if you are not satisfied with the result.
Gifsicle is usually the fastest tool and produces smaller files, but is designed for speed, not quality.

You can select the action to perform if the aspect ratio of the source image and your chosen size does not match — center and crop the image, stretch the image to fit, or force the original aspect ratio.

You can also use this tool to resize animated WebP, APNG, AVIF, FLIF, JPEG XL (.jxl) and MNG files without losing animation, and any other common image type.

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  • Video tools
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  • Online video cutter
  • Video reverser
  • Video crop tool
  • Video rotator
  • Any video to MP4

Изменить размер

Изменить размер JPG, PNG, SVG или GIF путем установки новой высоты и ширины пикселей.
Масштабировать несколько изображений сразу.

или перетащите изображения сюда
Параметры изменения размера
В пикселях
В процентах

МАКСИМАЛЬНОМУ РАЗМЕРУ ? ТОЧНЫЙ РАЗМЕР —> Измените размер всех изображений на максимальный ? точный в

Сохранять пропорции
Не увеличивать, если меньше
меньше на 75%


Вы пытаетесь изменить размер изображений разных размеров, сохраняя исходную пропорцию. Значения ширина и высота будут считаться максимальными значениями.
Вы можете проверить полученные значения ширины и высоты под каждым предварительным просмотром изображения.

Получение файлов от Drive
Получение файлов от Dropbox
Загрузка 0 файла из 0
Оставшееся время — секунд — Скорость загрузки — МБ/С

Изменение размера изображений.

Resize GIF

Resize GIF by defining new height and width pixels.
Resize many GIF images at once online.

or drop images here

Resize options

By percentage

MAXIMUM SIZE ? EXACT SIZE OF—> Resize all images to a maximum size ? exact size of

Maintain aspect ratio

Do not enlarge if smaller

25% smaller

50% smaller

75% smaller


You are trying to resize different size images maintaining the original proportion. The width and height values you have introduced will be considered as maximum values only.
You can check the resulting width and height values under each image preview.

Getting files from Drive

Getting files from Dropbox

Online GIF optimizer and compressor

GIF compressor optimizes GIFs using Gifsicle and Lossy GIF encoder, which implements lossy LZW compression.
It can reduce the animated GIF file size by 30%—50% at the cost of some dithering/noise. You can adjust the compression level with a simple slider to get the best result for your use case.
This is the default method and should work for any GIF.

Color Reduction

This tool shrinks the GIF file size by reducing the number of colors in each frame.
Each GIF frame can use up to 256 unique colors, and by reducing this number, you can achieve a smaller file size.
It makes multiple variations of your input image, and you can choose the one with the best size/quality ratio for your needs.

Remove every nth frame

The frame drop option can remove every second, third, or fourth frame to reduce frame rate and, therefore, file size. Useful for long gifs with a high frame rate.

Another option is to remove only duplicate frames. This method will search for identical or very similar consecutive frames, remove them and merge their display duration.
This will not do anything for most GIFs but can be useful in some special cases.

Optimize Transparency

This feature preserves the initial frame as the background while rendering unchanged elements in subsequent frames as transparent.
The results heavily depend on the nature of the image. It may give huge file size reduction in some cases when images have large, static areas — for instance, a screen recording of a program, where solely the cursor is in motion, could benefit significantly. It will give poor results for converted videos or photo slide shows, where most pixels between each frame are significantly different. The fuzz factor allows to treat pixels with very similar colors as equal.

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